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MEANINGFUL FINANCIAL COMPENSATION Under Teamster contracts, our members' wages and benefits are markedly better than the compensation of non-union employees in similar jobs.


OUR MEMBER'S SAFETY COMES FIRST Creating and protecting a safe work environment for our union members allows for a quality workplace that benefits the worker and employer.


PROTECTING OUR MEMBERS & FAMILIES Teamster contracts are the guarantors of decent wages, fair promotion, health coverage, job security, paid time-off and retirement income.

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Teamsters' Community
Helping make a difference in the lives of those around us.
The Teamsters' commitment to family extends beyond our union and into the community around us. It is that love that we support local organizations and causes that play a vital role in bringing joy to the lives of the working families in our communities..

Success Stories From Local 63

Ciara Lopez, daughter of Ramon Lopez from Ralph’s, is presented with a $1,000 scholarship by Teamsters Local 63 Executive Board. Ciara Lopez - Teamsters Joint Council 42 Scholarship Winner
UPSer, Lamson Bui, receives a $1,000 scholarship for his son, Daryl, from the California Teamsters Hispanic Caucus. Lamson's son, Daryl, wins Teamsters Scholarship
A tremendous success, we were able to deliver a trailer full of toys that will bring smiles to many kids this holiday season. Teamsters Ronald McDonald House Inland Empire Toy Drive
With many Teamsters families gathered together, we celebrated a fun Easter Day. Teamsters Easter Day Event