Build a Stronger Workplace with Teamsters Local 63
When you join Teamsters Local 63, you make a commitment to your co-workers and yourself to create a stronger, fairer workplace. Together, you’ll have the power to negotiate a legally binding contract with your employer that can secure, better wages, affordable health care, a secure retirement and a safer workplace.
By joining Teamsters Local 63, you’ll also stand with 1.4 million Teamsters across the nation who fight for respect, dignity and justice for all working people.We’re here to help you take the first step. Our experienced team of organizers can connect you with resources and support to guide you and your co-workers toward securing a Teamster contract.
If interested in organizing your workplace please fill out the form below and one of our organizers will help you get started.
Steps to Forming a Union
When workers come together to form a union, you gain the right to negotiate with your employer over wages, benefits, and working conditions. Regardless of your industry, the process for forming a union is similar:
Connect with your co-workers.
Identify co-workers who share a common interest in organizing a union.
Talk to a union organizer and learn about the next steps and the support available to you.
Build support among your co-workers.
Speak with your co-workers to gain their backing for the union.
Show your support.
Demonstrate majority support through a union election or a card-check process.
Negotiate your contract.
Once the union is certified or recognized, your employer is required to bargain with your union representatives over the terms and conditions of your employment.